Letter to Class of 2016 Parents-Guardians, May 2012

From the Superintendent

May 23, 2012
Dear Eighth Grade Parents/Guardians:

In 2011,the Board of Education adopted new, more rigorous "UC '"A-G"' for All"graduation requirements that align with the district's mission to ensure all San Diego Unified students graduate prepared for success in college and career. The new requirements focus on students taking specific high school courses, called "A-G," that are necessary to be eligible to apply for admission to any University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU).

The Class of 2016, which includes your son or daughter, will be the first required to meet the new graduation expectations. This letter highlights the new requirements to help you and your child plan for high school. You will be updated regularly as your child progresses through high school.

Significant changes for the Class of 2016 and beyond are highlighted below. They include:

  • World Language: Two years (four credits) of the same language, Grades 7-12
  • Mathematics: Three years (six credits) Algebra, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra, Grades 7-12
  • Visual and Performing Arts: One year (two credits) of UC/CSU “F”-approved visual and performing arts course

In support of the new course requirements, the district will also provide student learning support, parent/guardian workshops, staff professional development, and resources to help all students successfully meet these expectations.If you have questions, please talk with your child's principal or school counselor.More information can also be found on the district website at www.sandi.net/graduation.

The new graduation requirements represent several years of in-depth collaboration and analysis by staff,parents and community partners underscored by a commitment by the Board of Education to make sure all students have every opportunity for future success. I thank those individuals for their time, good work and enlightened leadership. I thank you for giving us the opportunity to prepare your child for a bright and sustainable future.

William Kowba

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