

Behavior Expectations

It is the policy of Canyon Hills High School to support the rules and policies of the classroom teachers. Posted classroom rules are expected to be followed. Failure to follow teacher posted rules is defiance and may be met with appropriate disciplinary action.

  • Students will come to school and be on time for all classes.

o The bell signals that class has begun. Students are to be in their seats before the bell rings.

  • Students will show respect for persons, property, and the learning process.

o Courteous behavior to students, staff, and visitors will be demonstrated.

o Directions from any CHHS staff member are to be followed.

o A clean, orderly, and safe campus environment must be maintained.

  • Students will come to school dressed appropriately for success.

o (See Dress Code for more details.)

  • Students will not ride skateboards, scooters or skates on campus.

o Pursuant to SDUSD Procedure 5020, skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, and similar devices are prohibited to be used on campus. Riding these types of devices on campus could result in confiscation and citation by the School Police Officer and/or San Diego Police.

Restorative Practices

Restorative practices cultivate community on campuses with a focus on building strong relationships between students and district employees. They hold students accountable for their actions while giving them a high level of support to create a campus culture of learning and safety for all school community members.

Suspensions and expulsions may be used when all other forms of restorative interventions have been exhausted or the behavior is extreme. To see an example of our tiered restorative practices please visit our web site.


Suspension from school means the student may not attend classes, participate in any school activity, or be on or around campus during the period of suspension. Additionally, suspension from school may result in a 30-day activity suspension, beginning on the first day of suspension, and the removal from participation in all extra-/co-curricular activities including, but not limited to, sports, dances, club events, etc. Suspension may occur for any of the following behaviors including, but not limited to:

  • Attempted or threatened to cause physical injury to another.
  • Pranks
  • Possession of, or using, weapons, imitation or real. (Zero Tolerance Policy)
  • Using or selling/furnishing alcohol/intoxicants/controlled substances.
  • Causing damage to school or private property.
  • Stealing school or private property.
  • Using tobacco on school premises.
  • Participating in robbery, gambling, engaged in hate violence, intimidation by harassment or threats, bullying, or extortion.
  • Using profanity or vulgarity.
  • Possessing drug paraphernalia.
  • Disruption or defiance.
  • Knowingly receiving stolen school or private property.
  • Participating in any form or type of sexual act or harassment.
Suspension for Seniors
  • A 1-4 day suspension will result in student needing to appear at a school site appeal hearing to determine status for senior activities including, but not limited to, the senior prom and graduation ceremony. The school will determine the cut-off date for the school site appeal hearing.
  • Seniors will be denied participation in graduation exercises and other senior activities for violations that resulted in a five day suspension during the senior year. (Reference Fact Sheet for Parents)


Expulsion means the student may not attend any school in the San Diego Unified School District for a designated time. Expulsion may occur for the following behaviors including, but not limited to the following:

  • Causing serious injury.
  • Possessing/using/selling weapons or explosives in school or at school-related activities (Zero Tolerance Policy).
  • Selling or furnishing alcohol/intoxicants/controlled substances (drugs).
  • Committing robbery or extortion.
  • Any threat, assault, or battery on school employee.
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