MARKS (Grades)
Parents can check your student's progress anytime by logging into Parent Portal. If you have not activated your Parent Portal account, please make an appointment with Cruzanne Conrique.
Marking Periods
Progress reports will be issued at 6 weeks and 12 weeks after the start of each semester. Report cards will be issued at the end of each semester.
Marking Policy
Students receive a scholarship and a citizenship mark in each class. Scholarship grades are cumulative during the course of each semester. When absent from a class, students are responsible for making up missing assignments. Citizenship grades are assigned for each 6-week marking period.
Scholarship Marks
Scholarship Marks
A Superior
B Above Average
C Satisfactory
D Below Average
F Failure, credit not granted |
Reporting "D" and "F" Grades
Teachers must make a written report to parents/guardians on students whose work is unsatisfactory (marginal or failing).
Citizenship Marks
Citizenship is a reflection of the general behavior, attitude, values, and habits of an individual student in the school community. They measure personal qualities, not academic performance, and therefore should not be equated with the academic scale.
E |
Excellent |
Is an outstanding citizen |
G |
Good |
Is an above-average citizen |
S |
Satisfactory |
Meets citizenship standards |
N |
Needs to improve |
Needs help to meet citizenship standards. |
U |
Unsatisfactory |
Fails to meet school citizenship requirements. |
Change of Marks
A grade given by a teacher is final and cannot be changed by others unless it was given fraudulently, in bad faith, or because of clerical or mechanical mistake.