Honesty Policy

HONESTY (Academic Honesty) POLICY

Click here to view the complete CHHS Grading Policy including Academic Honesty (pg3)

Academic honesty and responsibility are expected of all Canyon Hills' students. Cheating at any level is irresponsible and unacceptable.

Offenses of academic honest are defined as, but not limited to:

  • Copying some else's homework
  • Plagiarism, such as copying from another printed or electronic resource without giving credit to the author
  • Giving and/or receiving answers
  • Sharing answers (electronically [Facebook, Twitter, etc...] or physically)
  • Using "cheat sheets" or other such devices.
  • Utilizing the Internet to obtain answers.
  • Images of quizzes, tests or assignments


First Violation:

  • Teacher will submit an electronic referral. (Documentation only).
  • Teacher will issue own consequences including but not limited to....

o U in citizenship

o Zero on the test/assignment

  • Teacher phones parent
  • Dean of Students, Counselor, or Vice Principal meet with student for counseling session regarding academic honesty.

Second Violation:

  • Same as above, including the Dean of Student of Vice Principal issues consequences which could included suspension, Saturday school, etc...

Third Violation:

  • Same as above including principal meeting with students and parent.
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